Civ 5 CBP Wikia

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Game Info[]

Receives Professional Promotion for free, which grants 60 Influence Influence from Diplomatic Missions. Move this unit to a City-State you are not at war with and conduct a Diplomatic Mission to receive Influence Influence. 20xProduction Production cost scales with Era.


Diplomats are very expensive relative to Emissaries and Envoys. Players that have not continually increased their supply of Paper will have a difficult time continuing to have influence on city-states around the world. If, however, you have the resources, and the production, to build diplomats in great numbers, the world will bow before your empire of soft power and persuasive influence.

Historical Info[]

With the philosophies of the Enlightenment and the might of modern industry in tow, diplomats during the Industrial Age are powerhouses of diplomacy and influence.
